Sep 18, 2008

Too Funny!!

I put Maddox in his crib for a nap. He was a little fussy, but settled down pretty quickly. I went to check on him and this is what I found. He was sleeping in a seated position with his head rested forward on the bumper of his crib. His hair was sticking out between the rails. Too stink'in funny!!

This afternoon he was all over the living room. His is able to pull himself up on a couple of his toys and remain standing for a good period of time. A little weeble and wobble, but he is holding on well.

Sep 17, 2008

Maddox's Little Friend

As most of you know, I am fortunate enough to be able to stay home with Maddox. I am babysitting a baby in addition to Maddox. The two have really begun noticing and paying attention to one another. This morning, I was getting ready to feed the other baby when Maddox decided he wanted to climb into the bouncer as well. Yes, Maddox is crawling, climbing and has his two bottom front teeth. He also enjoys using Leah as his personal jungle gym...and in the picture with Leah, you will see that he is becoming more and more like his daddy everyday! SCARY!!

Sep 4, 2008


Maddox takes GrandPa to the Rocky Statue.

GodParents Uncle Mike and Aunt Tiffy

Don't look so worried Maddox, Uncle Danno is not that scary!