Feb 3, 2008

Labor Update

Hello All,I know you are wondering what is going on. We have not forgotten to call or text. Allison has been having contractions since thrusday night, they increased in intensity and became 3 to 4 min apart, so we went to the hospital at 430AM friday expecting the big event, but she was still completely colsed so they sent us home with a pat on the back and a see you soon. Later on Friday we went to the doctor's office for an appointment (she was still closed) and they said to just wait it out and if nothing happens on its own we are to come in sunday night (after the giants win) to be induced early monday morning. So saturday night we walked around kop mall for a while and again the contractions became worse and closer, she was in hell all night and around 630AM today (sunday) we went back to the hospital. Unfortunatelly she was barely open at 1 cm but 80%thinned out, which is an improvment but still miles from where we thought she'd be and still technically NOT in Labor, she's considered in prodromal prelabor. This time the gave her a shot of morphine in the butt. She slept a little between contractions, but again they gave us the boot,So here we are now, she getting much needed rest. We love and appreciate all your thoughts and prayers, keep them coming. We will let everyone know when he decides to poke his little head out. My guess is he'll see his shadow and go back up for 6 more weeks. GO GIANTS!

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